The Biblical foundation upon which our church has built its mission focus is found in Matthew 28: 18-20 where Jesus gives us the command (v19); “go and make disciples of ALL nations...” But is that a command every disciple has to go to all nations? Yes, but not necessarily in person. There are those who are called by God to go in person but because they are part of one family, the whole family becomes involved. As a result of this, we created the entity called, Global Partnership Team and have formulated the following goals:
1. To encourage global thinking, and a global vision in the way we live our lives.
2. Selection of missionaries and oversees workers to support, and ensure ongoing encouragement, financial and prayer support.
3. To open up pathways for local congregation members to serve God overseas.

Working with Arotahi in South Asia: Antara Dharanabathi
and Peter & Leonora.
Working with Arotahi in East Asia: Peter &Dasha